Tuesday 15 April 2014

Ideas And Inspiration For Film Poster

Although Invictus is a very different style to our film I really liked the way Morgan freeman has his back to the viewer, as in our trailer it features a piece of dialog which sais "The worlds a dangerous place to live in you've got to be constantly looking over shoulder" and replicating this kind of pose with Jason Dyer looking slightly over his shoulder would work well as an image for the poster. I also like where the film title is positioned and will most likely position my text in a similar way as it works well with this pose.

After looking into Blitz I really liked the typeface they used so i researched and in the end found the exact or very similar typeface called Bank Gothic which I will use for my poster as I feel it fits in very well with our genre. I also like how the image of Jason Statham is in black and white as this also indicates possibly the darkness of the film which is also similar to our film which I hope to use for my poster.

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