As well as making that a lot clearer people who gave me feedback also said that the film title and the actors name could have something done to it to make it stand out more. I had seen on posters before a slightly blurred same bit of text off centered which worked well as it made it more eye catching. I decided to do a similar thing with this text as it would work well. To do this I duplicated the same text layer and applied a Motion Blur filter by going to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur after doing this i then off centered it by using the Free Transform tool (Ctrl + T) which meant I could position where I wanted it.

No Motion Blur
With Motion Blur
I also noticed the majority of posters all used a tagline which I felt my poster needed to make it seem more of a professional poster. I then referred back to our dialog we used for the trailer and felt using a quote said in the trailer would be ideal for the tagline, In the end I decided to choose: "You've got to be constantly looking over your shoulder" which also links in with the main image on the poster.
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