Wednesday 16 April 2014

Feedback From First Draft Of Poster

After posting up my first draft of my film poster I then asked for some feedback which would help me improve my film poster.

Joe Inns: 
I like the layout of the poster itself, its very simple but effective. I think having the image in black and white works really well and could indicate a dark side to the character as well as fitting in with the genre of the film. I also like the font used I feel it fits in with that whole hit man style as well as being a good bold font. However I would say the text could use something else to make it more eye catching. Also the credits down the bottom are very dark and quite difficult to read, other than it works very well as a poster as it shows a good clear link to the trailer.

Megan Smith:
I really like the poster, there is a clear link between this and the trailer. More so than the magazine front cover. It looks really professional! Especially with what look to be legit. Endorsements. Overall the poster works well with a clear layout and good selection of fonts.

Micah Hills:
The poster itself shows a strong relation to the trailer as well as featuring a good layout. I really like the Bank Gothic font as I feel this links closely to the genre as well as being a font which caught my attention. One thing I would say is that the credits were a little difficult to read as they were rather dark so that could be improved as well as Coming Soon piece of text which could also be made easier to read. Other than that its a strong poster and works well.

Owen Gray:
The poster is really professional laid out really well. The colour scheme works with the magazine as the main colours of the magazine are black and white. I really like the positioning of the image and the face, with the eye looking out, drawing people in. Yeah it is really good.

From this feedback there is some obvious changes which I can make to improve my magazine, I will now go back into Photoshop and see what I can do to make the magazine more successful.

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