Saturday 12 April 2014

Changes To The Trailer - 1

After the viewing of our trailer to the other students in our class the feedback was helpful in the sense that it would help us improve the trailer as a whole. Firstly from the feedback we felt there needed to be a change in the soundtrack as it appeared to be very long and became very repetitive. We looked back at our othe considerations in terms of music and worked from there. Intially we thought of moving away from the electronic sounding music and moving more towards a form of Psychedelic rock genre, however we felt it would work as well with the genre so we decided to stick with an electronic track which would work with the fight scenes. We also felt we needed more than one track and felt we needed a track at the start which would fit with tension building clips at the start. After looking at other songs by artists we previously had in mind we decided to use Tick of the clock By  The Chromatics for the tension building song and for the second song for the action parts we went for Genesis By Justice.

Tick Of The Clock By The Chromatics

Genesis By Justice 

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