Saturday 12 April 2014

Changes To The Trailer - 3

As well as hearing feedback about audio we also heard feedback about some of the shots and they felt they weren’t needed. This also meant that it was a way of reducing the duration which a lot of people commented on. We decided to start from scratch again. We kept the first part from the original trailer with a few additions but everything after was structured and put in a different order. A friend of min who works within the film industry helped in the sense of suggesting structure as well as advising us on help with keeping the trailer flowing. He also recommended using a clip which would start of sped up and then go to slow motion which would fit in with the music. We have now synced up most of the clips with the audio which makes it appear more professional as well as adding to the flow of the trailer itself for example instead of over using sound effects we have synced things such as punches and the actor accreditations with the music.

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