Sunday 13 April 2014

Exit Polls

Exit Polls are information in relation to films about its audience in terms of ages as well as how people became aware of the film for example advertisements and posters. Exit Polls are usful in the sense it allows people to be aware of the most popular and common place a person found out about the film. Today there are more than ever ways of promoting your film including a wide range of ways on the Internet. Exit Polls are surveys which are produced by the BFI. I looked on there website and found this exit poll for the 2009 film Looking For Eric which is about "Eric, a football fanatic postman whose life is descending into crisis, receives some life coaching from the famously philosophical Eric Cantona"

Looking For Eric (2009)
Number of people surveyed155
Under 2545
Over 25110
Sources of Information
Advertisements (TV)43.2%
Reviews (Magazine/Newspaper)41.3%
Family and friends told me about it41.3%
News features/talk shows (TV)39.4%
Outdoor posters36.8%
Trailer shown at cinema29.7%
Advertisements (Magazine/Newspaper)29.7%
Reviews (TV)25.8%
In-cinema posters/display/banners21.9%
News features/talk shows (Magazine/Newspaper)17.4%
Reviews (Radio)17.4%
On-line ad banner16.1%
Advertisements (Radio)15.5%
Internet reviews/other online11.6%
FC United1.9%
Red issue1.3%
Filmed near my home1.3%
Eric told me0.6%
Baits to Attendance
It stars Eric Cantona54.8%
It was directed by Ken Loach39.4%
The story appealed to me35.5%
The reviews32.9%
The genre/type of film27.1%
I was asked to come along by a friend/partner20.6%
The advertising I have seen15.5%
It is about a footballer15.5%
The film's poster5.8%

From this Exit Poll it is clear that Looking For Eric is more popular with the male audience as well it being more popular with Over 25s possibly due to Eric Cantona himself would have been playing football when they were younger. It is also clear that the people surveyed found information about this film due to TV advertisements at 43.2% as well as Reviews and Family and Friends at 41.3%. In terms of what appealed to the people surveyed it was obvious they would see it as it stars Eric Cantona at 54.8%

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