was very important for this as it was what was used to show my coursework. The
site itself is very easy to use and was a very good way to set your work out
clearly. I have used Blogger previously so using it wasn’t difficult however
this time I did learn how to embed Slidshare
presentations I produced onto the blog as well as linking videos from YouTube
such as my trailer onto my blog so it was all in one place and easy for my
teacher and my peers to see when I required feedback.
Google Chrome:
This was my platform for all types of research ranging from magazines to music for the trailer. I'm very familiar with Chrome which made it easy to navigate around and most of the time easy to find the thing I was trying to research.
Adobe Photoshop CS6:
Having worked with Photoshop for a good two years now I was very familiar when using it to construct my magazine cover and film poster. It was easy to apply the effects and processes I required and saving a PSD file meant I could come back to the task and make changes after gaining feedback. Also having the ability to work in layers meant constructing the poster and cover were easy and tidy causing no problems.

Sony Vegas:
Sony Vegas was the choice of video editing software my group chose. Having used it a lot before editing the video wasn't to difficult, however I did broaden my knowledge and learnt new things such as slowing down clips as well as setting markers down where the music changed beat which helped when syncing clips.
This is the camera which was used for the whole trailer an being a Photography student and using this was very easy when it came to filming as well as the ease of transferring the videos on to the laptop to edit.
YouTube was very good as it was our key place to look into existing trailers to gain inspiration from as well as looking into music which we could use for our trailer. It was very helpful looking at suggested videos at the side which were similar in sound or in terms of trailers genre.
Overall having explored a wide range of technology it has been very beneficial looking into these as it has improved my skills as a whole but also familiarity with existing technology